Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 01:18:08 -0700 (PDT)
From: Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Perhaps, Helga or Joachim who have comprehensively
weighed the scientific evidence on all sides in an
informed and unbiased manner....
Mario responds:
Have they really?  That's good.  It is high time that
Goans knew about the furious debate going on among
climate scientists.
It is an excellent idea to have these Goans review the
scientific evidence on all sides and to let us know
whether the Kyoto Protocols will solve the problem
while exempting India and China and every other less
developed country.
They may also be able to win $150,000 by showing that
humans are to blame for global warming by entering the
challenge issued almost a year ago by the Junk Science
web site with no takers so far.  See:
While they are at it, I would like them to also review
the findings and opinions in the following links,
including the curious methodology used by the IPCC in
developing their reports as described in the last two
links shown below:

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