--- "Fr. Ivo C da Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> *** The Cardinal is not, therefore, saying what
> Dr.Santosh is making him 
> say...

What the Cardinal has said about the supernatural not
being a fact in the world, but a mystery, is given
below. Fr. Ivo is mistaken in his belief that I have
made the Cardinal say these words. I have done no such
thing. I have never had any kind of correspondence or
conversation with this cardinal.

"God is not a fact in the world, as though God could
be treated as one thing among other things to be
empirically investigated, affirmed or denied on the
basis of observation."

.......Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor

"We as Christians need to examine what we might have
done to give people a misleading view of God. Faith in
Britain might be improved by a deeper grasp of the
mystery of God on the part of believers."

.......Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor

"We should remember that the proper response to God is
that of faith, not absolute certainty. God is said by
Christian theology to be ineffable, beyond our
categories and thought capacity. St Thomas Aquinas
after all is quite clear that ‘imperfect knowledge
belongs to the very nature of faith’. And there is a
good reason for this – we have no positive grasp on
the mystery of God."

.......Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor

"We spoke too easily about God, we spoke perhaps in
the wrong way and we treated God as an idea rather
than a living mystery to be approached in silence and
prayer rather than in the arguments of the mind. If
Christianity gave European thought the impression that
God can be conceptually determined and pinned down and
proved as a hypothesis, then it is hardly surprising
that there has been resistance, as science and culture
have developed, to worshipping this idea of God."

.......Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor

The link to the entire transcript of Cardinal
Murphy-O'Connor's lecture is:


Please note that not only does the cardinal deny that
God is a fact in the world, but he says that He is
neither an idea nor a hypothesis. What's more, he
asserts that He cannot even be conceptually determined
and pinned down.



--- "Fr. Ivo C da Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> *** The Cardinal speaks of "intelligent, reflective
> Christian faith". It is
> wrong to say that "supernatural is not factual but
> mysterious", if one means
> it is irreal.

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