<<< To me, much such explanation is
akin to mysticism that one tends to either accept or
***I have quoted the words of the Cardinal to show that the passage
taken out of the context is being misunderstood.
Those are not my words, not mere mysticism, but words from the Gospel.
It is in this context that the whole speech of the Cardinal has to be read and understood.

--- "Fr. Ivo C da Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"God is the meaning that secures the meaning of all
that I do, all that I am, all that we can be as
humankind. His objective reality as goodness, truth
and love secures the significance of all that
happens, of all that is.
God is not a fact in the world, as though God could
be treated as one thing among other things to be
empirically investigated, affirmed or denied on the
basis of observation. Many who deny God's existence
treat God in this way, and they simply don't know
how to ask the proper question about God. God is
why the world is at all, the goodness, truth and
love that flows into an astonishingly complex and
beautiful cosmos, and we are the part of that
cosmos, consciously and freely open to goodness,
truth and love; and we are frustrated when this
openness is blocked. We are designed for ultimate
meaning and purpose"...

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