From: "Santosh Helekar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I cannot see how Dr.Santosh found what he is

In my last post I have stated what the Cardinal said.
...Others like Fr. Ivo will interpret his words in a manner that
pleases them, or reaffirms their own beliefs.
***You have to interpret his words according to the full context.
The word "mystery of God" means hidden, living reality of God.
It is hidden, but real. It cannot be made object of empirical investigation.
In this sense, the Cardinal says that it is not a fact, but a mystery.
For the Cardinal as for St.Thomas, God is the Reality, not "figment of minds". We know it from the Revelation of Jesus. That is what the Cardinal has clearly said:

"I believe in the God revealed to us by Jesus, who is the father who
forgives us, accepts us, and loves us. He is the God who speaks to us about
who we are, how we should live and teaches us the ways that will lead us
into a responsible exercise of our freedom. If we close our hearts and minds
to him, if we forget or exclude God, then our lives lose both meaning and
The Cardinal is stating his faith in God. It is not "my own belief", but the faith of the Gospels and of the Church. In this sense, I wondered how Dr.Santosh found a different meaning
of the words of the Cardinal, which he is stating...

<<<<that not knowing is a
truly humble and honest position.
***Knowing from the Revelation about God, as the Cardinal celarly says, is not "not knowing", as Dr.Santosh states, but it is not comprehending exhaustively. It is knowledge of faith,
rooted in the Gospels--in the historical words of the historical Jesus.

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