Very interesting indeed.

With due respect to Fr. Ivo, and not in the least intending to be anything but genuinely concerned, I belive that what is going around in the the name of God is nothing but a 'MLM' (multi-level-marketing) marketing GOD left-right and center, one more lucrative than the other. God has become a big business as is seen on the TV with countless channels hocking God to kingdom come and others leaving their beliefs of birth and trying to meet God through clapping of hands etc. The result is quite the opposite with people indulging more into loot and plunder the moment their mouths are free from invoking the name of God. I am always reminded of the movie titled 'GOD' with George Burns acting as God where at one time HE wishes that a particulr tele-evangelists preacher would go polish shoes instead of defaming him :-))

On many a occasions I too have wished that 'God' was alive and active to tender a resounding slap on those 'Cansulam' (faces) who hoch HIM the most with impunity at one moment and defame HIM the very next. Examples are a plenty. The best one is happening at Mandur.

This is one thing that we see happening to Goa, God's own heaven on earth going to DOGs.



----- Original Message ----- From: "Fr. Ivo C da Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 12:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Catholic Goeankars N.B. 'Respect atheists',says Cardinal

"I believe in the God revealed to us by Jesus, who is the father who
forgives us, accepts us, and loves us. He is the God who speaks to us about
who we are, how we should live and teaches us the ways that will lead us
into a responsible exercise of our freedom. If we close our hearts and minds
to him, if we forget or exclude God, then our lives lose both meaning and
When you are revolting so much against oppressing, dehumanizing casteism, in the name of Gospel values, does not your faith in God lead you to a mystical union to God and your brethren, who are God's children?

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