                    **** http://www.GOANET.org ****
                      5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
               Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

                            16-18, May 2008


Sandeep Heble wrote:
Please do not get carried away by these self-proclaimed moral custodians of 
Hindu faith. All the so called nude paintings of Hussain have been literally 
picked up by these radical groups from the
archives of History in order to increase their own fan base and following. The 
greatest threat to Hinduism is from fundamental organizations like these. 
Hussain can truly be called the perfect
poster-boy of Hinduism. He should be judged for the entire spectrum of his 
works done during the course of his lifetime, not by just a few odd paintings 
which some may find objectionable, either justifiably or unjustifiably.

The 90+ year old painter truly deserves to be in his home painting his 
canvasses.  This is the least he deserves if not the Bharat Ratna.
My hearty congratulations to you Sandeep for having put across your points so 
succinctly. No one could have done it better. I express my appreciation to you 
Sachin too for having conducted the debate in a healthy and decent manner. 
The only point that I would like to add to Sandeep is that if anyone finds the 
paintings offensive, they are free to take the matter to the civil courts and 
have the display of such paintings proscribed and not by hounding him by filing 
criminal cases galore all over the country and by issuing death threats or by 
inciting hate. This is not civilised behaviour. 


Marshall Mendonza

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