Hi Selma
First, pray what gated community do you live in? And
"paradise"? The mind boggles! I was able to drive
right to your door-step without a gate in sight! (JC
please note). There was very wide two-laned open entry
to your block of new flats with welcome signs for
people to view flats for sale that were quite
reasonably priced too. There was absolutely no sign of
any 'gatedness' (security consciousness/awareness)  or
'gateitude' (attitude) if I can coin entirely new
terms just for the hell of it! Further, I could tell
very quickly that the location  would definitely not
need any kind of gates for a long time to come--if at

Second, middle classes in different parts of the world
will look for 'gatedness' depending on the
environment. They most certainly do so in many cities
in Brazil because murder rates are among the highest
in the world in San Paulo, Rio etc. Indeed, well off
middle classes there have to commute by helicopter to
feel safe and have to employ armed guards too. In
neighbouring Buenos Aires (Argentina) space that is
money engendered, separates the poorer people from the
better off and 'gatedness' of the Brazilian type seems
not necessary--as far as I could tell.

Third, in the UK, the middle classes definitely do not
"huddle" together. They can afford to stay in more
affluent spaced-out areas and particularly well away
from council house type of working class areas. The
middle classes, and especially those financially well
off, progressively move to the more salubrious areas
that are determined often by space that money buys,
and generally not gates, to keep away the riff raff.
In other words, the riff raff are physically distanced
from the affluent middle classes and it is quite easy
to distinguish areas by social class by just driving
through them and I have yet to see a gated-community
in my several decades here. In the built-up city,
affluent areas generally do not have gates though
individual homes may have electronic gates as the
increased disparity between rich and poor in Blair's
New Labour Britain has been a major contributer to

It sure takes quite a while to accurately 'suss' out
living complexities in any country.

PS Re your expressed disappointment elsewhere about
Dickens and his several affairs, were there not a
number of women who colluded in the man's romantic and
sexual desires? So, why just deride only him as you

--- Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I woke up this morning to read that Britain would be
> hit by gale-winds of upto 60 miles per hour. Looking
> through the windows onto the garden that forms part
> of the gated-community I live in, all seemed
> blissfully calm. This, I realised is why the
> middle-class the world over, huddle together and
> cloister in gated communities. I took my daughter
> out and played ball, secure in the knowledge that no
> ill could come to our corner of paradise.

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