--- On Mon, 6/23/08, CORNEL DACOSTA wrote:
> Third, in the UK, the middle classes definitely do 
> not "huddle" together. They can afford to stay in
> more affluent spaced-out areas and particularly 
> well away from council house type of working class 
> areas. The middle classes, and especially those 
> financially well off, progressively move to the 
> more salubrious areas that are determined often by 
> space that money buys, and generally not gates, to 
> keep away the riff raff.
Mon Jun 23 13:50:32 PDT 2008
From, Carvalho elisabeth_car at yahoo.com
The personal bile of your post knocked the wind out of
my sails but now that I've recovered, I have to
seriously contest your post for its utter lack of
facts. As usual, google will usually provide one with
facts, where posters find it appropriate to make up
their own.
Mario observes:
This is far too delicious to pass up.:-))  Two of my
good friends mud wrestling while describing life in
ol' Blighty:-))  The mind boggles:-))
Everyone hang on to your sense of humor:-))  Nothing
below is serious:-))
Am I to understand that the security personnel in your
gated community now have the hapless Cornel and his
car on their list of riff ra.., ...um, unwelcome
Or, as fellow agnostics, are you going to hug and make
up and let this all blow away like that nasty
I think Cornel is concerned about anything that may
sully the image of the British lower-middle-class
struggling to keep pace with the American
For example, in 2005 in the US, 82% of the 15 million
households with income below the poverty line had air
conditioning, 52% had central air.  Over 90% own cars.
 Most Americans of all income groups are better fed
than their European counterparts.  No contest:-))
Sun Jun 22 04:14:12 PDT 2008
From, Carvalho elisabeth_car at yahoo.com
I woke up this morning to read that Britain would be
hit by gale-winds of upto 60 miles per hour. Looking
through the windows onto the garden that forms part of
the gated-community I live in, all seemed blissfully
calm. This, I realised is why the middle-class the
world over, huddle together and cloister in gated
communities. I took my daughter out and played ball,
secure in the knowledge that no ill could come to our
corner of paradise.
Mario observes:
Sorry to hear that you are forced by conditions in ol'
Blighty to huddle in a gated community with walls high
enough to protect you from an incoming gale!
Where I live, gated communities with walls high enough
to keep out gale force winds have a very eclectic
clientele - those who are not going out into the yard
to play with their kids anytime soon:-))
The residents huddling therein would not consider
these lodgings, however secure, a corner of paradise I
assure you:-))  More like the other place:-))
And you should see the security these high walled
gated communities have:-))
Cornel would have no problem identifying one:-))

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