--- On Mon, 6/23/08, CORNEL DACOSTA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Third, in the UK, the middle classes definitely do not
> "huddle" together. They can afford to stay in
> more
> affluent spaced-out areas and particularly well away
> from council house type of working class areas. The
> middle classes, and especially those financially well
> off, progressively move to the more salubrious areas
> that are determined often by space that money buys,
> and generally not gates, to keep away the riff raff.
The personal bile of your post knocked the wind out of my sails but now that 
I've recovered, I have to seriously contest your post for its utter lack of 
facts. As usual, google will usually provide one with facts, where posters find 
it appropriate to make up their own.


Among other things, the opening salvo of this article has this to say:

"There are now more than 1,000 gated communities in England. More than 100,000 
people live in them"

I take it your driving around London is a bit limited then, since you've missed 
everyone of these 1,000 gated communities and your friend circle must be even 
less, if you've never come across anyone of those 100,000 people who reportedly 
live in them. So contrary to what you say, it seems the middle-class in London 
does "huddle". The moving to the more "salubrious" locations, as you put it, 
has a price tag of upwards of UKpound 500,000 and quite honestly do you call 
those people, "middle-class" in the UK?



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