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2008 Toronto International Goan Convention
Theme: Goan Identity And Networking Today.

Mario Miranda Festival, July 24-26,  2008 Old GMC Building

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Roland writes:

>Samir, it is not right that you put forward allegations or
>insinuations against Prof Kamat (which may well be true) while keeping
>yourself in the background while you make them.

What you mean by background? I have asked the questions openly, and 
not by using a pseudoname such as pen pricks, on a public forum.
If this is not foreground, I wonder what can be.

>Floriano (or any one else) cannot be proxy to your questions. What if
>Kamat gives some answers which are untrue? Who has the necessary
>backgound to counter them?

If Floriano has the guts to ask these questions and seek answers before
the meeting and then make a decision on whether to have Prof. Kamat
as a moderator, he can do so, and he can post Prof. Kamat's answers
either here on Goanet or send them to me personally on email, and
I can see and respond to that.

It is not just me, I am sure there are many others capable on Goanet
who can see the answers and figure out what Prof. Kamat's position has
been vis-a-vis the Infotech scams.

>You make the talk. You must walk the talk.



                     **** http://www.GOANET.org ****

                    Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
                           July 25 - 30, 2008
                               Goa, India


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