                     **** http://www.GOANET.org ****

                    Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
                           July 25 - 30, 2008
                               Goa, India


It is now quasi-official that Goa should have a Central University AND the Goa 
University at the same time.
Prof M.S. Kamat is a part of the panel with the GIMS, MICM and MIHCM founder 
Fr. Romualdo de Souza sj [incidentally, Dr. Willy's brother], Principal Newman 
Fernandes of the UGC-designated "College with Potential for Excellence" 
St.Xavier's College-Mapusa, Mr. Suresh Gundu Amoncar of G.S.Amoncar Vidyamandir 
and only person to have completed two consecutive terms as Chairman of Goa 
Board of Education and others who I do not know personally but who are 
obviously qualified to speak about education.
Let us see what the debate on 30 July, 2008 at 4.30 P.M. in Institute Menezes 
Braganza throws up. Let us have an open mind.
The next debate must me on the medium of instruction in the village primary 
schools in the era of global competition and increaing use of English in all 
walks of life ...and admixture of English in almost all Indian languages spoken 
today as stated by the authors at a recent conference.
Mog asundi

Navhind Times on 29 July, 2008

Cong panel says no to central varsity status for GU 
Principal Correspondent
PANAJI — A panel constituted by the Goa pradesh Congress committee under the 
chairmanship of Mr M K Shaikh to present its observations on the proposed 
centralisation of the Goa University, is of the opinion that Goa University, 
the only state university, should work as a state-based university and the 
central government could think of setting up an independent central university 
for Goa.
The panel members, who deliberated on the related issues at various meetings, 
are expected to present the report to the GPCC later this week.
Speaking to ‘The Navhind Times’ Mr Shaikh said the report is under preparation 
and would take all aspects on centralisation of the GU into consideration.
The panel members include senior educationists namely, Fr Romuald D’Souza, Prof 
Suresh Amonkar, Prof M S Kamat, Prof Newman Fernandes and Prof Hillary D’Souza.
The panel is of the opinion that although a centralised university in Goa would 
receive lot of funds from the Union ministry of human resource development, 
besides quality faculty to teach at this university and better students, there 
would be certain drawbacks to it such as local students having to compete with 
national level students, if adequate clauses are not included while 
transforming the Goa University into a central university,” the sources 
The report of the panel would also include recommendation that certain colleges 
in the state, which have developed themselves into excellent educational 
institutions should be allowed to run autonomously.
The report is further expected to suggest that though most of the departments 
at the GU fail to fill up the required quota of students, with the exception of 
chemistry department, a separate central university could be set up with 
departments dedicated to educational fields which are not available at the GU.
“The panel is of the opinion that a central university in Goa can be a good 
research institution, besides being an educational body, and help the students 
to carry out frontier research,” the sources revealed.
The panel has also taken into account the possibility of many foreign 
universities opening their shops in Goa in the near future. “The report may 
further have references to such possibilities, as an outcome of liberalisation 
wherein even the government of India cannot stop the influx of foreign 
universities in the country,” the sources informed, adding, “Goa being a centre 
of attraction worldwide, will attract many of such educational institutions and 
could, in the next 15 years, whether one likes it or not, become an educational 
The report of the panel, in a nutshell, will recommend maintaining the identity 
of the GU as an autonomous body, with the monitoring and administrative control 
from the state government, and presentation of its annual report as well as 
budget in the state assembly, the sources maintained.
The panel is also of the opinion that there is a room for lot of improvement in 
the GU and the same could be taken up in a phase-wised manner, the sources 
revealed. ENDS

--- On Mon, 28/7/08, Ajit Shirodkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Good going !! 


On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 11:27 AM, Miguel Braganza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In view of Floriano Lobo's clarification on behalf of CITIZENS' INITIATIVE and 
Roland Francis stating the rules of moderation, it has been agreed that Prof. 
M. S. Kamat will remain the Moderator.
Floriano is working on the confirmation of speakers from the Goa University 
affiliated colleges. The opening speakers FOR and AGAINST the conversion of Goa 
University into a Central University have been identified. Both of them have 
been associated with the Goa University for a number of years.
The format is being worked out. There will be time and space for audience 
interaction. Media coverage is being confirmed, too.
It has been confirmed that this is NOT a Goa SuRaj Party [GSRP] or a Goa 
Environmental Action Group [GEAG] event, though Floriano is associated with 
both these bodies. I am a bit touchy about associating my name with groups 
that, though they may be good, are something I subscribe to.
Please feel free to express your views. The conversion is NOT just about 
EDUCATION. It is also about LAND, Local PARTICIPATION in Decision making, and 
the future of the State. It concerns each one of us who is alive today ....or 
yet to be born. Make sure you do not mortgage your future generations just 
because you cared .... a damn!
Let not the rains deter you from attending. The venue is indoors ...IMB Hall, 
Panaji. Just park your vehicles near Azad Maidan, as the entrance of IMB is 
perennially flood prone ...though it is just a few metres from the Mandovi 
River into which the rain water must drain out.
Mog asundi.
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2008 19:02:28 +0530
From: "floriano" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goanet] Questions to Prof. Kamat and Citizen's

Miguel suggests:
[Dr. G.N. Mishra, Fr. Antimo Gomes, Sr. Rita Fonseca, Dr. Shigurkar
or one of the former Acting Vice-Chancellors of Goa University [Dr. Adi
Doctor or Dr. Olivinho Gomes], also,   Mr. Alban Couto or Mr. J.C. Almeida 
or Dr.Ajit Shirodkar.......... as possible  Moderators.
This is the first time that such names have come up. And this is more than 
welcomed  by the CI. However, CI  has already identified the moderator in Prof. 
MS Kamat and has announced his name as such.

 What the people want, people must get. However, the above consideration is 
subject to the acceptance by CI of the choice suggested with no promises made 
to effect the 
change,  given the tight timings.

for CI
Floriano Lobo

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