Santosh Helekar said:-
I think Fr. Ivo and others would do well to heed the following excerpts from 
the authoritative 1998 decree of the concerned Archbishop regarding the 
fraudulent miracles of this mystic called Julia Kim:
Richard Dawkins (British author/scientist who does not believe god exists, said 
to an African Bishop, "I'm an African Ape are you a Bishop" (he did not say are 
you an African Ape in case he would insult him).
Bishop said "I'm a human". fruitless discussion followed, which ended without 
Same way Santosh is hiting a brick wall, no amount of evidence will convince 
these brainwashed people (from birth) that 'God' does not exist.
If there is no Christian God there will be a Muslim God if not, a Hindu God.
There ARE people who WANT God in their life, its a psychosomatic drug.
To prove that there is God, Catholics believe in miracles, ie. we got evidence 
in miracles (poor understanding of science?).

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