From: "edward desilva" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
So, you have not heard of unexplained miracles happening to people of other religion, including atheists?
***Miracle is a theological term used to "extraordinary, unexplained events" which we attribute to God's providential Love. Only God can work miracles. If there are hapenning to people of other faiths, what is the problem? There are special events and healings, which may not all be "miraculous", but are signs of God's love. I have not heard so far about miracles among the atheists. Do they accept that something may come as a sign of God's power? They do not accept God (even though there are several shades of atheism). But I have heard and read that the atheists said: "Thank God!" or "Now I know there is really a God!"

...Jesus even advised his disciples NOT to go to India, saying they have their own belief, (refer to King James version of the bible - new testament).
***This is a novelty for me, a veritable 'gem'. Where do you find it? Are you sure that you are not mis-interpreting the biblical text?

According to Hinduism there is a power that helps us all the time...this source is called 'Ishta Devta' ...with this power behind us we do not need miracles, if one believes in this source and asks for help from their personal Ishta Devta, catastrophes are avoided - thus getting rid of our need for miracles.
***We do believe in God's power. But unfortunately not always catastrophes are avoided... It is a 'miracle' to face them.
This Ishta Devta does not have the power to give you an extra limb, or give you all the gold in the world, but to help and to make our life bearable - IF ONLY WE WOULD REALISE.
***I also do not believe in miracles of "extra limb", as Anatole France would say, nor in having "all the gold in the world", but in quality of life and love.

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