When I turned fourteen, I knew that I was a person in my own right quite apart 
from my parents. I knew from there on, I would have to chart my own course and 
I had a very strong sense of my own destiny. I suspect Goanet has had to 
undergo the same process of maturation in the last year. Whatever its original 
purpose and intent was, it now charts its own destiny.

I couldn't let the day pass without wishing Goanet, many more purpose-driven 
years. I'm one of those people who is deeply grateful to Goanet. From the 
wonderful encouraging emails I get in my mail-box, to the friends I've made and 
met in real life, to the opportunities I've been presented with through 
friendships formed here in cybersphere. I can quite honestly say, I've had the 
good fortune never to meet a Goan crab, and always chance upon some helpful 
Goan soul who lifts me up. 



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