Mario wrote:
Iraq is definitely a success story in the context of its history of
brutal dictatorship and oppression of the Kurds and Shia........
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 2008 18:13:35 +0100
From: "Gabe Menezes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Those ungrateful Shias, they now want the Americanos out of
their Country; please read the following, by clicking on to the URL
Mario responds:
This is what happens when readers barge into a discussion without knowing the 
bloody facts.
Mookie Sadr is a puppet of Iran and does not represent the majority of Shias.  
The Iraqi government which represents the entire country and includes a 
majority of Shias, has repeatedly asked the US government since Saddam was 
toppled and a democratic government installed, to stay and help Iraq until it 
can defend itself against the terrorists who are still trying to deny freedom 
and democracy to the Iraqis. 
Gabe Menezes wrote:
If there was a referendum in Iraq today on Sadaam, most and
especially the Christians and the Jews would categorically say 'bring
back Sadaam, all is forgiven'
Mario responds:
This comment speaks for itself as to the utter comtempt that this Goanetter has 
for the 80% of Iraqis who are either Kurds or Sunnis, and has to be the most 
ridiculous and uninformed comment in the entire history of Goanet.

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