Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2008 10:06:50 +0530
From: "Radhakrishnan Nair" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I watched McCain live on TV in your hometown Toledo yesterday. The
poor guy was struggling in vain to dissociate himself from Dubya's
dubious legacy.
If Bush is so great a president, why is McCain so desperate to keep
the incumbent out of his campaign?
Mario responds:
Nice to see you wake up just in time to embarrass yourself:-))
I hope you, too, are not wistfully wishing for the wonderful era of Saddam 
Hussein, when Iraq was the happy land of sun and laughter, milk and honey:-))  
It sure was for Saddam and his Baathist henchmen for whom the entire left wing 
worldwide have so much sympathy for as we see from time to time on Goanet in 
posts by Marlon, Mervyn and Gabe:-))
Nice try at obfuscation, but McCain was not dis-associating himself from 
anything in the past - he was explaining what he would do in the future as 
McCain actually voted 90% of the time with Bush, who has a 26% approval rating, 
and you are more interested in  what he SAID yesterday in a campaign speech?  
What didn't you understand about his actual record?
Have you compared it with Obama's record, who has voted 100% with the Democrats 
in Congress who have a 9% approval rating, while Obama earned the title of the 
MOST liberal Senator?  Liberal as in one step this side of full-bore Marxist.
Ooops!  I forgot!  That's a positive qualification for some of you:-))
McCain, like Bush, would stay the course in Iraq and Afghanistan, and extend 
the Bush tax rate cuts that caused tax receipts to skyrocket.  These are the 
two foundation stones of the Bush 43 presidency.
What he would do differently is to be more aggressive in the war on terror and 
cut wasteful federal spending.
If you think you know what you are talking about other than vague generalities 
taken from Democrat party talking points and the far left wing blogs, and snide 
insinuations of what McCain is trying to do, why don't you find something 
specific to dispute in the following essay, using some specifics of your own?

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