2008/10/19 Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Mario wrote:

> Mario responds:
> This is what happens when readers barge into a discussion without knowing the 
> bloody facts.

> Mario responds:
> This comment speaks for itself as to the utter comtempt that this Goanetter 
> has for the 80% of Iraqis who are either Kurds or Sunnis, and has to be the 
> most ridiculous and uninformed comment in the entire history of Goanet.

QUESTION: Are you on some kind of hallucinogen, you had stated: the
majority are Shias, now you state the 80% of Iraqis who are either
kurds or Sunnis.

Is it any wonder Goanetters perfer not to touch you with a barge pole?

I am here to try to educate the uneducatable;

''Iraq: we want US troops out in two years''

USA Dismayed - they want to stay in Iarq forever and a day!

Check it out from our reputable Times:-



Gabe Menezes.

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