Date: Sun, 19 Oct 2008 23:04:02 +0100
From: "Gabe Menezes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
you had stated: the majority are Shias, now you state the 80% of Iraqis who are 
either kurds or Sunnis.
Mario responds:
That sentence included a typo, because of which I posted a correction.
80% of Iraqis are either Kurds or Shias, not Sunnis, who were brutalized by 
Saddam Hussein, whom you have always supported.
Gabe wrote:
I am here to try to educate the uneducatable;
Mario responds:
First you have to educate yourself with the following facts, which you don't 
seem to know:
1. Saddam was a brutal dictator who refused to disclose what he had done with 
his chemical and biological WMDs in spite of 17 UN resolutions and crippling 
economic sanctions.  The UN also imposed no-fly zones to protect the Kurds in 
the north and the Shia in the south from Saddam's aerial attacks with chemical 
WMDs.  I hope you understand what UN means.
2. Saddam was removed by a US led coalition in about three weeks in 2003.
3. Since then a majority of Iraq's 25 million citizens have voted for a new 
democratic constitution and government, and there are elected representatives 
from all its ethnic segments governing Iraq.
4. For reasons that are not clear to me, people like you have opposed the 
liberation of Iraq since the beginning, even though it was one of the most 
corrupt and oppressive in history.  Even now you say you would have preferred 
Saddam to return.  Most Iraqis would think this is crazy.
5. Ever since Iraq was liberated a small segment of its population began to 
engage in sectarian violence, aided and abetted by Al Qaeda and Iran.  The 
US-led coalition was requested by the Iraqi government to stay and help them 
defend their democracy and help them recruit and train their own security 
forces, and help them reconstruct their infrastructure.  For some reason that 
is not clear to me, people like you continue to oppose the coalition helping 
Iraq to stabilize their freedom and democracy.
6. If the sectarian violence and de-stabilizing efforts by Al Qaeda and Iran 
had not taken place, Iraq would have been well on the way to full freedom and 
democracy, peace and prosperity for all its citizens by now.
7. The Christians and Jews you seem concerned about are actually being attacked 
by the same insurgents that you have supported, and are protected by the Iraqi 
and coalition forces.
8. The Bush 43 legacy will include the liberation of 50 million Muslims in 
Afghanistan and Iraq from brutal, merciless and oppressive tyrants, and causing 
N. Korea and Libya to give up their hostility and nuclear ambitions without a 
shot being fired.  Saddam was offered the same choice for 12 years and refused 
all attempts at doing so.
Thease are all facts that you seem unaware of.
Before you pretend to educate people with cut and paste opinions by the same 
kinds of people who think like you, please explain to us why you are asking for 
a brutal dictator like Saddam to return to power in Iraq.

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