Albert writes:- In the life of Jesus, he was an ordinary Jew and followed all 
the customs of the Jews. He might not have been happy with them but he never 
entered into the preaching field till he received Baptism in the Holy Spirit. 
Before He received baptism he only took time to select his disciples. Many of 
them were uneducated. Why did Jesus select uneducated or less educated 
disciples ! "Poor in spirit." The first thing Jesus did was to receive Baptism. 
John Baptised Jesus as per customs but in real practice he was Baptised with 
the power of the Holy Spirit which came down in the form of a dove and the 
voice came from Heaven " This is my only son" We have ample proof that there is 
God the Father who is omnipotent, who is the power, who is the lover, then we 
have Jesus "The word became flesh and dwelt among men " and the dove which came 
was the Holy spirit. Before we celebrate christmas let us receive the Holy 
Spirit and let the power of the Lord descend on us and we become the true 
Christ .Let us all be ready to do God's will not by mere words but in our 
actions. " Increase and multiply and fill the earth. Let each christian try to 
bring into this world as many children that God has planned for us. We have 
money for fast food, for extra car, for the latest expensive car to compete 
with the Jones, money to celebrate our birthdays on a grand scale, to build 
bunglows where we cannot live like human beings, money to give our son and 
daugther to spend on discos, drugs may be, to spend money on parties etc etc 
but we do not have money to bring one child into this world. Every house you go 
mostly you see one girl and one boy ( some might have been killed and thrown in 
the hospital dustbin ) Each one of you know your personal life more than me for 
I know that I am one of the worse person on earth while you may say that I am a 
saint for I look like one to the outside world and like how the Jews condemned 
the tax collectors and glorified the scribes and Pharises Jesus did just the 
opposite. He ate with the former and condemmed the later. God will Judge us 
with what he have inside us while the world will judge as to how you look in 
your appearences.                                      
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