Albert writes:- Peter was a fisherman whom Jesus chose to be his disciple. He 
was not an educated man .But there was a time when the Holy spirit would come 
upon him to reveal the most inner secrets of God. He would receive inspiration 
through the Holy Spirit. " You are the son of the Mighty God " was the reply he 
gave when Jesus asked them as to who they think he was. Though there were many 
disciples present only Peter received the Holy spirit. The revelation of God's 
kingdom is not found in the books. We cannot have scholars of scriptures. Mere 
reading Bible or written books may be in Hebrew, greek, or English does not 
make one master of God's inner secrets. Many times reference is made to Church 
scholars. To get to God's revelations or to get to know about God's kingdom one 
must humble himself, open his or her heart and ask the Holy Spirit to come into 
you. With this power of God one is able to speak the word of God. Learning 
Philosophy and Theology one does not know about 
 God's kingdom unless it is revealed by the Father. One can easily read the 
Bible. If you just take the book and read you are reading history but if you 
pray to God to send His Holy spirit so that you will know what the Bible 
contains, God will inspire the hidden truth about God's kingdom to you. God 
will speak to you through the word of God. The question whther lay person can 
preach the word of God is left to God .If an uneducated Peter could preach to 
the thousands of Jews after receiving the Holy spirit I cannot understand why 
an ordinary lay person cannot preach the word of God. We are supposed to spread 
the word of God. The clergy cannot suppress any one from preaching the word of 
God. Many times the Charismatic movements die because the clergy try to stop 
the promotion of such moments by putting barriers.Many times lay person is not 
allowed to preach .The church premises are seldom given to movements run by the 
lay persons so much so that the lay person has to use open 
 grounds and have to incur heavy expenses to preach the word of God.One should 
not play with God. We have to love God and follow His command. We just cannot 
allow the devil to rule over us. The word of God should spread like wild fire. 
When God wants His word to spread like wild fire He will see that He removes 
the people who try to put barriers. It has happend in the west it might happen 
here too.                                         
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