Albert writes:- There are lots of pagan beliefs in the Catholic church. Holy 
water, wearing a scapulor etc etc. I do not want to eloborate on this as many 
people who have been habituated to believe all these will get angry and use 
unwanted words and I believe that one must not bring anger unnecessarily on 
anyone. If one goes on the net one will find the Egyptians had similar beliefs. 
They believed in the sun god. They believed in several deties. Some of the 
deties had head of the ram and body of the human being. The name of the sun god 
was Ra from where the second note of the musical scale re comes. The leaders of 
these groups would cut their back part of the head in the form of coin to show 
that they believed in sun god. The leader of different clans wore a robed and 
wore a purple cap covering the coin shaped cut at the back and the top leader 
covered his back part of the head with a white cap and carried a stave with a 
curved top.The egyptians celebrated the feast of sun go
 d on 25th December each year. When Jesus Christ came into the world there were 
different types of people believing in different beliefs. The Israel were 
influenced by the Egyptians, the Greeks and the Romans. Jesus came to change 
all these and to focus on the Almighty God. One must know that when Moses went 
up the mountain to collect the ten commandments the people down were restless 
and went to their pagan beliefs. We are having the same kind of structure 
within us. While we feel we are doing the right thing and look at others 
specially the believers with condemination I do not know how God is judging us 
from top. Roman Catholics will try to suppress the flow of the word of God. If 
any catholic speaks a little different and ask people to believe in the true 
living God we point a finger at him or her and suspect that she might be a 
believer. We are so harden that we do not want to change ourselves.             
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