Albert writes:-which ever village you visit one must see a church. Many of such 
churches have huge structures and one can see lots of vacant rooms where 
sometimes broken furniture is placed or some statutes. Others are just locked. 
In each village there are rich people and poor people and among the poor there 
might be less poor and more poor. Everyday one will see mass going on and 
sacraments are instituted .But many of us are not aware the hardship some 
people are undergoing because much money is not coming and the families just 
cannot afford to buy essential commodities they need to sustain life and for 
these people feasts have no meaning. Many might not be even in a position to 
attend a sunday mass for want of proper clothes or they might be standing 
outside somewhere in the corner to hear a mass. One might see a crumbled shirt 
or crumbled dress and we may not like to see them again. Its during christmas 
season everyone becomes extraordinary Christians and they go in search of these 
poor masses to give them one kilo of rice and may be some christmas sweets and 
some old clothes .Has any one ever given a thought that unused rooms in our 
churches could be used to start some small scale industries where these po0r 
people can earn more money and be happy ? Industry in a church Nao podser. The 
church is the temple of God and one should not mix God with money or business. 
These will be the remarks of many but ultimately what did Jesus say  " When you 
do to these least of my breatherns you do it to me." we could give employment 
to women, have school for the drop outs, get them small jobs, form associations 
of various skill labourers so that people employ these skill workers . etc etc. 
We could have small co operatives societies in the church and get marketable 
products at less profit. etc etc. But neither the church ever thought of all 
these nor will they allow any lay person to do this and if at all by any chance 
the parish priest allows one or two people to carry on business there will be 
at least ten to pull them down. Our religion is based on theories and theories 
only. We are great to praise God with our lips but not praise his creations.    
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