3) I also take strong objection to your raising questions aboutmy upbringing
on this forum. Please let me tell you that suchthings are not appreciated at
all by me, and future repeatsof such things if any will be properly
responded to.

5) Btw, my father has read your post. His comment was thefollowing : why did
this guy stoop to the level of DayanandNarvekar ? Incidently Narvekar was
one person who raised theissue of funds to Marg in the assemblyin order to
put me down. And here you triedto target my father because you have no
argumentsto defeat me on the point that an American trying to meddleinto
Goan political affairs only deserves a 'vos mar'.


You have to calm down. You say you are upset when I raise the question about
your upbringing. Yet, you are again using unacceptable language in your
post. What does that tell you? Let me explain to you something about Rajan's
citizenship. Although I do not know anything about citizenship(according to
you), Rajan holds American citizenship that makes him Indian American. He
also holds Overseas citizenship of India that gives him all the rights to
property etc except that he does not have voting right or right to get a
govt job.
Therefore, you may make all the fuss about his citizenship, he has rights
that he will exercise in Goa. You keep carping at him from the sideline and
make a fool of yourself if you wish. I have tried to persuade you but I
accept I have failed.

I did say that I would not like to belittle the work that other people do
for goa. I did not wish to include people who take grants of lakhs of rupees
from a corrupt govt that has increased the debt for goans to 50 billion
rupees or more. If MARG is getting twenty lakhs or more per year from this
government, I think goans need to know that this money is being put to good
use. I would not dream of belittling your father whom I do not personally
know but as a Goan, I am entitled to raise legitimate queries about the
taxpayers' money that this NGO receives.

Anil Desai

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