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Albert writes:- Describe Jesus Christ:- He was a simple man. He loved the poor 
and the needy. He was with the sick and the depressed. His words were words of 
wisdom came through the Spirit of God. Before he started on his mission he 
received the sacrament of Baptism. He started his mission when he was blessed 
by His Father and received the Holy spirit which came to him in the form of a 
dove. Then he became vibrant. God is teaching us through Jesus. Be simple not 
in appeareance only but simple in words, deeds, our life should be simple like 
Jesus. Think what is good. When you see a criminal we always condem him. Do we 
try to find out why he became a criminal ? Our judgement is based on what we 
see. God's judgement is in what type of heart we have and what type of deeds we 
have committed. God's Judgement is different from ours. One day I was at a 
party. A believer I mean Born again Christian known to us came . He did not say 
anything. Just Hallo and smiles. he sat with us for just five minutes spoke 
very little just asking us how we were. After he was gone there were some who 
started their debate and speeches. They started condemming him because he has 
left the church. I did not like it. I asked them whther they had come for a 
party or funeral. why did they not talk when he was sitting here ? I told them 
that I could get him so that he can defend all allegations. " Tum-i bhi 
believer zalai kitem re ? " I told him that I was born a believer. If they do 
not know their religion they should jump in the river and get refreshed. I told 
them to read the bible to which one drunked replied> Jesun apli mai amcam 
dilea. Ti mai amcam sorgar vorteli. He believer amcam kitem sangtelet ? Jesu 
che main amcam sanglam, apleak ullo mar ani apunn mornachea vellar pavteli 
mhonn. " I did not want to discus. I told him to finish his drink, have more, 
and when you are saturated go home and dip your head in the bucket of water and 
you will see the truth.                                         
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