Albert writes:- God so loved the world that He was prepared to die for us and 
so He took a body form and created Jesus who became man and called himself the 
son of man.Jesus always loved his father and respected Him.The whole 
Christianity is based on love. Love from God to Man and love of man to man. 
Jesus abridged the ten commandments into just two simple commandments. Love God 
with your whole heart and love each other as Jesus has loved us. In what way 
did Jesus love God ? He loved God and it is because this love for His Father he 
ventured into this mission on earth. Jesus did not bother about the thorns that 
would poke him, or the stone poke while walking with the cross or the 
scouraging he would receive. He was concerned to wipe out the sins of humanity 
and to bind the bond of love between man and man. The greatest pain the Jesus 
is still suffering today is because the bond of love uniting man with another 
man is broken. It is replaced with hatred .Today one man is not ready to look 
into the eyes of another man. He does not love another man at all. There is no 
love between husband and wife .They are ready for a divorce . No love between 
parents and children. Between brothers and brothers or sisters and sisters or 
brothers and sisters. There is no love in the world at all. That is the reason 
our newspapers are filled with the stories of rape and murders. Our court 
folders are filed with cases of divorces and other lithigations which could 
have been avoided if there was love existing between people and people. 
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