Albert writes:-Let us draw four columns and try to fill in. In the first column 
we write "God " then in the second it is Jesus, third it is Mary and fourth it 
is you. God is our creator. He has built a relationship with his son Jesus .God 
was always happy that Jesus was binded to God the Father and in his mission The 
Father was always sought for help and blessings. In the life of Jesus his life 
was that of simplicity and free from pride and hatred. He was in relationship 
with Mary his mother and lived with her for thirty long years. Jesus christ was 
a true missionary and worked honestly to spread the word of God among the jews 
and the people who sought to listen to the word of God. Mary was the mother of 
Jesus. A humble Armenian lady who obeyed God the Father and did her utmost to 
fulfil God's plan. It was God's plan that Mary should bring Jesus into the 
world. It was not God's plan that Mary should be elevated to the status of God 
as today the church has done. She loved her fellow people all around her 
begining with Joseph who was herĀ  husband, Jesus who was her son her cousins 
and friends. Her concern to the bridial couple when they ran short of wine 
speaks volumes of her generousity and love for others. Her mission got over 
when she stood at the cross to see her son die as per the wishes of God the 
Father. Last is you. Do you have a covenant with the Father, son, Mary and the 
rest of the people in the world ? Do you do God's plan ? find out 
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