[1] Jim Fernandes wrote:

A few weeks ago, I purchased a new plan which includes about similar
benefits as the plan I bought in 2001, but it now cost me some $15,000
a year (actually $12,000 but I have to pay another $3,000 deductible,
before the insurance punks begin to pay out, in case of a medical

[2]  Mervyn Lobo <mervynal...@yahoo.ca> wrote:

 Jim F, Is this some kind of April Fools joke?


Dear Mervyn,

Where is the joke in what Jim has written?

The only part Jim has inadvertently (perhaps) missed out is the following:

After the $3000 deductible is met, the insurance companies (depending
upon the network policies) will cover 60-80% of what they term as
reasonable charges.

A particular health insurance company's version of 'what is
reasonable' has zip to do with what has been agreed as reasonable by
the AMA.

And -never mind what Viviana writes- (and I believe both Marlon and
Jim have alluded to this) There is NO such thing as "free" health
care. Somebody (else) is paying for the free-ER care which is mandated
by law.


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