Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
     and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
         environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Gabe Menezes <gabe.mene...@gmail.com>
> On the cost being paid by Jim - it depends on how many people are covered
> and the ages therein. He has got children being dealt by paeditricians, as
> well as one who escaped the World Trade Centre inferno! Any aged parents to
> boot?
> Gabe Menezes.

Hello Gabe,

I don't want to make my age public (unless you want to find that on your own), 
but I can state that I wasn't yet born, when the last major social benefits 
overhaul took place in the US. That overhaul took place when Medicare 
legislation was signed back in 1965. My young family and I, have zero medical 
issues - other than usual children's shots and annual physicals. In the US, it 
does not matter whether you have one child or 10 children, the cost of 
insurance for all kids is the same - meaning, someone like myself who has two 
kids pays the same as someone who has 10 kids. I could live without insurance 
and pocket the money, but that would mean, I'd become another of those nephews 
that Ms Viviana Coelho was talking about :(  .

The insurance cost that I stated previously, is a TYPICAL insurance cost for a 
family of four in the US. New York being a little more expensive, might have a 
small markup to cover the extra cost of living. Single persons pay the least 
for their coverage. If folks on GoaNet aren't accustomed to the kind of costs I 
am talking about, its because they are either single, have no kids whatsoever 
under their plan, or their employers absorb most of the cost. Alternatively, 
they may not be purchasing any coverage - I know many Goans who don't and are 
relying on a government bailout to pick up the tab, incase of a catastrophic 
event. Its a good thing that Mr Obama rounded up all these bums under his plan 
and would now be forced to comply or risk getting a visit from the tax man 

In the US, the older parents cannot be included in the medical coverage of 
their working children. That group is either covered under AARP, Medicare, 
employers (if they still have a job that provides medical benefits), self 
funded or a combination of these entities. In a worst case scenario, their cost 
is absorbed by Medicaid - which is another government funded program for the 
really poor. I am not 100% certain, but I believe, if you are a senior citizen, 
the insurance costs are probably subsidized through plans available through 
AARP or Medicare. 

I strongly believe everyone should pay their fair share for medical coverage - 
just like how we pay our taxes and just like how we purchase auto insurance. We 
should also curb the abuses by the insurance carriers - and chop their appetite 
for getting ultra rich on the backs of hard working families. 

This is what Obama care is all about.

Jim F
New York.

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