Mervyn Lobo <> wrote:

Jim F, I am astounded by the price you have to pay for health
insurance for your family! This is an extremely heavy burden.

You may be aware that the provinces here in Canada guarantee the
health care of their residents.

I found a letter from my family doctor informing me that from now on
he would be charging $60.00 for a missed annual check-up. The
comprehensive check up is free but missing it is now going to cost me


1: That having been noted, would you say that the level of taxation in
Canada is significantly higher than that in the USA.

2: In Scandinavian countries, the level of taxation is much higher -
but the citizens of those countries are said to be happier because
their health, education and retirement are well looked after. (Chacha
Alfred0 may wish to confirm).

3: The problem with many countries is that (a) increased bureaucracy =
a waste of money (b) the ones who are trained to make decisions i.e.
the health care professionals, are not the ones who always make the
decisions. (c) politicians and the lobbywallas waste money on
unprovoked guerras. (Mario may deny the premise of this statement -
and so be it)

4: I am surprised that in Canada, one can be fined for missing an
annual check up. Is this true in the country of 'Malette v Shulman'?
Does this mean that an individual is forced to provide consent to a
doctor for an annual physical exam (or risk a fine)? Where will the
'socialist system' stop when it comes to patients' rights? Can they
force you to have a termination of pregnancy or a tubal ligation /
vasectomy because you have (say) 5 children? (I know that the 5
children family would be welcome ....but this is just an example)


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