My dear Oscar,

I will enter this discussion once more and then return to my corner.

Perhaps, Goans will determine for themselves the following.

a: Why did the electorate in Goa vote the Congress - the last time around? Were Goans not aware of corruption?

b: Do anyone among us know of ANY post-1961 govt that has not been corrupt?

c: Do anyone among us know of ANY post-2010 party that will not be corrupt?

d: Who would have benefited if Goans (from the Gulf) had accepted Anesimo et al's recommendation the last time around - "to Support Mathany so as to Give Jolt to the Corrupt Congress"?

e: Do you guys remember what happened in the "House" to the Velim MLA who was physically bundled out? May I ask Mathany IF he protested that and HOW?

f: Who was generating energy for this 'Swadeshi Catholic' nonsense - whatever it meant?

g: Who organised the funding for that disastrous and communally-laden Video CD?

h: Was it to be distributed to the schools in Goa? Did Mathany have a reaction to it ....and if so ....What and When?

I will say this again - so bear with me:

[1] I do not trust politicians. Thus far the Goa politicians have demonstrated ( almost invariably since 1976 at least) that by way of omission or commission, they are members of the Alibaba gang. [ You may wish to note that 'honrado' politicians of the genre of Jack de Sequeira, Eduardo Faleiro, Gopal Appa Kamat, Vasu Sarmalkar are not running for office these days]

[2] Closely watch folks who criticise (rightly no doubt) only one set of politicians

[3] Let ALL who advise us - also please declare that they are not receiving overseas funds to 'stage-manage' events in Goa. This specifically includes the 'busing in of folks for events'.

[4] It is quite nonsensical to give the Italian-Australian example with the hope that it will apply to Goa. Italy may allow dual-nationality like many European countries, Australia too may allow it. India does not allow 'full' dual nationality. Furthermore, according to the Indian Constitution, ANY Indian citizen has the freedom to enter, work and reside in Goa (post 1961). That citizen WILL with time have the right to vote in Goa. If you think Goans are in a minority now wait for the next election cycle.

[5] Goans should just accept the facts of life and move on - instead of getting caught up with politicians and their agents.

[6] If I was resident in Goa, I would also accept the fact that politicians are corrupt to one degree or another. Hence, I would determine which outfit has the tendency of additionally being communal .......and stay away from it.

ps: If one really feels like making a small contribution to Goa ....Support Goa Sudharop and Carmen Miranda's effort for the environment. It might not stop the eventual arrival of the juggernaut - but at least one will feel that one did one's best.

just my view


On 1 September 2010 06:52, Benedict Lobo wrote:
Hi Anesimo,

I presume you meant to send your appended e-mail of date to me for information or to Benedict and wrongly addressed to me.

In any way, you are right in the strategy you have outlined.

Benedict - you guys in the Middle East are in a position to play a pivotal role in Anesimo's strategy.

We can do it and can we please do something about it; a change from our regular cultural events.



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