Dear Carmen,

Yes, there will be a clear vision once we engage our Goans in a proper forum and ensure we are not all over the place.

We have learnt a lot on what discipline can achieve, I for one being of Jesuit educational background from St. Britto’s school and a little observation of how Goa was ruled prior to 19 December 2010
helped me to grow.

I respect Soter even though he may be thinking he is always right.

In the words of Steven R. Covey – 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, we need to see the end in the beginning. We need to get rid of the book in our personal libraries – How to win and influence people by Dale Carnegie; this book has thought methods that many not necessarily achieve results and people go out giving “Impressao” rather than seriously contributing to the actual issues confronting particularly Goans.

All the ideas, dream, vision and mission will only come if we have the right ideas with right people.

The search should be on before we find the solution and while the music for quick steps is being played.

It would be good to select a committee, please give a thought, then prepare our Vision, Mission and a Business plan after removing the shaft from the wheat in this debate and present it to whoever the committee decides.

For a start we should contemplate who amongst will see the vision in a combined basis and help with the mission. The committee should be of a reasonable number as too large a committee has detrimental effect of a group dynamism amongst us Goans.

You are spot on with your questions and let us see what comes out of this brain storming e-mail exercise and not what Sorter thinks.

Recad tucam!

Oscar C. Lobo

From: Carmen Miranda

Dear Goenkars
I was wondering if you have a clear idea, a dream, a vision for an ideal GOA you would like to see in the near future?

If we have a clear idea, we can start planning strategically on how to achieve that dream !

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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