Gilbert Lawrence <> wrote:

For those who are wondering what this 'loud-mouth' is hollering about,
JC suggests that Indian vaidays and the hakims were twiddling their
thumbs waiting for a German to tell them what homeopathy remedies to
use to treat their patients.

Likely Indians were using the very ingredients long before they knew
about Germany or the word homeopathy. Here is from a wikipedia about
agents used in homeopathic treatments.

"Homeopathy uses many animal, plant, mineral, and synthetic substances
in its remedies. Examples include Arsenicum album (arsenic oxide),
Natrum muriaticum (sodium chloride or table salt), Lachesis muta (the
venom of the bushmaster snake), Opium, and Thyroidinum (thyroid
hormone). Homeopaths also use treatments called nosodes (from the
Greek nosos, disease) made from diseased or pathological products such
as fecal, urinary, and respiratory discharges, blood, and tissue.[48]
Homeopathic remedies prepared from healthy specimens are called

The loud-mouth claims that I do not do my research before I write.
Then JC alludes that I plagiarize / paraphrase from experts when I


JC's response (semi-plagiarised using material from posts by FN and Aires):

Thanks doc for that long-winded and absurd post! It would be a
'mistaken misconception' for anyone to believe that JC does not learn
from Gilbertian brilliance. Please be advised that JC always does
learn - whenever he reads Gilbertian brilliance aka absurdity.

The lessons for me to take home from the above quoted Gilbert-posting
are the following:

(a) It is legal (even advisable) to submit a book to the US Library of
Congress which is almost entirely plagiarised.

(b) Goa is at a higher altitude than Mt. Everest; After all, Gilbert's
'reference' book says so and we all know, do we not, that Gilbert
researches before he goes to print.

(c) Hindu Vaidyas were using snake venom, thyroid hormone (from sheep)
and pathological products in the practice. Ola Ayurveda!

Atrocious! JC

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