--------- GL wrote:

The loud-mouth claims that I do not do my research before I write. Then JC 
alludes that I plagiarize / paraphrase from experts when I write.  So exactly 
which end is this guy talking from or thinking?  

Can JC tell us the sources from where he plagiarizes / paraphrases all of his 
writings (and the material on his web); or was he born with all his knowledge? 
Hope JC answers this issue forthrightly and does not weasel out of this 
question; which I pose to him every time he talks about plagiarism.

------------- J. Colaco replied:

Atrocious! JC

------------- GL responds:

Augusto and Frederick:  It would be pleasant to respond to your posts on this 
thread, and dialog with two men who can be described as "Scholar and 
Gentleman".  But being the weekend, I have some time to address a peer who is 
being a t--d.
Dr. Jose Colaco:   Your pathetic response speaks volumes. You should have 
apologized for proclaiming lies on goanet. You avoided answering the questions. 
So I posted them again-above, for you to reply.  You can try the old "bait and 
switch" again and again. 
Your fixation on our book proves beyond doubt your Goan crab mentality.  Why 
don't you write your own book? I will permit you to use our book as a building 
block.  The same offer, I made to another goanetter critique of mine. But no 
luck! Your TGF chat-site was a flop and ended a few years ago.  Yet, that does 
not stop you from haranguing Goanet moderators both on and off goanet.

Just a few days ago, we talked about the genteel culture of Portuguese-Goa. As 
lusophile Goan, you extensively and frequently write about that Goa. So where 
your culture of a decent up-bringing; not to mention the medical training you 
received in Goa?  Did you not get an education at home? 
Behaving as a (deceitful) clown seems to be your forte.  Don't you have any 
decency?  You are an embarrassment to your profession.  As said by another 
physician and others, degrees (medical and legal) do not compensate for lack of 
education and common decency. 
Consider the embarrassment your children or in-laws (will) go through if / when 
they meet a goanetter and they find out you are their father / grandfather or 
relative.  You may be salted away on a Caribbean island, but your relatives are 
on the mainland. 

Your island existence may give you that "hit and run" psychology.  Yet, now you 
have me to contend with.  My attitude to your responses to my posts or our book 
is that to a 'wet diaper' (should sound familiar) - "On my butt and full of 
sh-t". Many other goanetters feel the same looking at their post replying 
to your responses. You have not seen atrocious yet!
Goanetters who read this, please excuse me for taking a peer to the woodshed.
Regards, GL


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