JC wrote:
I do not support FN's sudden interest in producing alcohol in Goa -
unless, like with the Irish Poteen or Potcheen, he intends to use all
the Goa newspapers to aid in the fermentation process. I'd
specifically recommend the use of the rag also known as the Heraldo

Response: Incase you didn't notice, mine was just a humourous response. 

But for the record, I think drinking urine, be it cow's or your own (a la 
Moraji) is injurious to health. There is a reason why it is released by the 
body. It's because the body deems it unnecessary. And I am seriously opposed to 
"halal" meat. And yes, I will never buy it. I wouldn't take it even if it is 
given away free. It is one thing to kill an animal for consumption, it is quite 
another thing to let it suffer while it dies. There is a difference. If I could 
control my urges, I would have become a vegetarian a lot time ago. I tried 
several times but failed. That doesn't mean, I should continue supporting a 
practice that is clearly  inhumane. We are not living in the 14th century, we 
are living in the 21st century. This concept that something associated with 
religion has to be condoned, is facile at best.

Lastly, what I do support is FN's or anyone else's interest in wine making. Why 
not? We don't live in a nanny state or police state or even a state that needs 
to be morally policed. We are all capable of making up our own minds whether we 
want a drink or not. A drink that doesn't have urine in it (hopefully).

By the way FN's interest in wine-making is not sudden. Last year he did a whole 
video on it. Maybe my memory is just better. I remember everything that 
- not just last year.



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