(1) Re: What is this? Speculating on the Misfortune of sick folks and the 
Struggles of the Health Providers?

Mervyn Lobo: The reason for investing is to earn capital appreciation and 
dividends. Even those who do not invest but keep their savings in banks reap a 
profit, not because they have provided a service but because the banks have 
provided a service

jc response: This is brilliant ! ! Individuals deposit funds which the Banks 
use (loan it out) to make money, and the public should be grateful for the 
services the banks provide (often) for a fee ! ? !

(2) Re: Patient Confidentiality and the Physician Patient relationship are 
concomitantly being chucked out of the window?

Mervyn Lobo: I am not sure which medical system you have a gripe about.

jc response: it appears that Mervyn is quite unaware of what happens to his 
(patients') information from the doctors' offices after the visit and before 
the doctor gets paid by the Third Party eg Gorrment or Insurance companies AND 
(more importantly) before some faceless person somewhere decides on the need 
for (preCerts) a procedure. 

He surely is also unaware that the dotor/enfermeira who decides whether to OK 
the procedure / treatment (or NOT), cannot be successfully sued (yet) if the 
delay or denial results in patient worsening or death.

Mervyn Lobo: (a)  I firmly believe that every human being is entitled to 
comprehensive health care and (b) that the healty should pay for the expenses 
of the not so healthy. 

jc response: I agree with (a) except for the blanket use of the term 
'entitled'. I know Fidelis will disagree with me and agree with you wrt (b). 

BTW: Suppose I 'semi-firmly' believe that EVERY Goan is 'entitled' to 3 meals a 
day, and that YOU should pay for it. 

Judging by his actions thus far, Fidelis should agree with that.



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