J. Colaco wrote:
> The next time you have a chance to visit your doc, ask him 
> the following question: "What forms do you or your office have 
> to complete in order to get paid, and what information to you 
> place on it, albeit in the form of numbers aka ICD codes"? Also, 
> ask him what steps he has to go through in order to order (say) 
> an MRI....and WHO decides to approve or not.

No patient has to deal with paper work to get treatment in Ontario. The only 
time I had to deal with paper work was when someone in Goa requested it. I 
walked into his doctors office in Toronto and my friend received scanned copies 
of his entire medical file in 20 minutes.

Follow the money, Doc. Always follow the money. Every year Canada allocates 
$6,000 for the health care of each of its 35 million residents. Yes, that 
totals to something like 210 BILLION dollars. We have a good healthcare system. 
Canada spends one tenth of that amount or $20 billion on defense. Lets contrast 
this amount with say, er, lets see, what country should we compare to?  Maybe, 
er, lets see, India? Well India has abject poverty, people sleeping and dying 
on its streets and the defense budget is $46 billion annually.  

> BTW: I believe that I am fortunate to work in the best possible 
> hybrid system of health care. Those who can afford it - are seen 
> in private offices,, those who cannot - are seen in public 
> facilities. As expected, the number of patients in the two 
> facilities and wait times are different. The best part of this 
> hybrid: once the senior docs complete their work in the public 
> offices, they see a limited number of pts in their private offices. 
> The advantage of this is that both the system and the patients have 
> access to the same expertise and same level of care. Thus far, 
> there has been no shunting of pts from public to private and all 
> the docs I know  give their best to both sets of pts. All this 
> provision is done, thus far, without income or sales 
> taxation.....though, sooner or later, some form of VAT will come 
> because of external (WTO) pressure.

I have no problems with anyone who demands that he has the right to pay for 
good, fast medical service when and where he wants it. The medical 
professionals in the family are also adamant that they do not want a two tier 
medical system. This is one argument I have learnt to avoid.

Lastly, to give you some indication of the medical care available in Canada, 
here is what happened a few years ago. The brother of the then PM of Canada was 
taken to the emergency room of a hospital. He laid there a few hours before he 
got treatment. A few months later, that hospital got its budget increased. Oh! 
one more thing the guy was a surgeon at the very same hospital before he 


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