Jose Colaco wrote:
> jc response: This is brilliant ! ! Individuals deposit funds which 
> the Banks use loan it out) to make money, and the public should be 
> grateful for the services the banks provide (often) for a fee ! ? !

The banks are one of the pillars of the capitalist system. It is only when they 
are well developed that the other two pillars, land and labour, are used 

> jc response: it appears that Mervyn is quite unaware of what 
> happens to his (patients') information from the doctors' offices 
> after the visit and before the doctor gets paid by the Third 
> Party eg Gorrment or Insurance companies AND (more importantly) 
> before some faceless person somewhere decides on the need for 
> (preCerts) a procedure. 

Again Doc, you seem to have a gripe about a particular health care system. I 
cannot fathom which one. Perhaps it is the one in the Bahama's? However, I can 
tell you with certainty that my medical records remain with my doctor, as he is 
paid by my taxes. 

> He surely is also unaware that the dotor/enfermeira who decides 
> whether to OK the procedure / treatment (or NOT), cannot be 
> successfully sued (yet) if the delay or denial results in patient 
> worsening or death.

We have a very different healthcare system here in Ontario. One that I am more 
than happy with it. The most pleasing part is that no Ontario resident can be 
denied healthcare because of a pre-existing condition.

>> Mervyn: (a)  I firmly believe that every human being is 
>> entitled to comprehensive health care and (b) that the healty 
>> should pay for the expenses of the not so healthy. 
> jc response: I agree with (a) except for the blanket use of the 
> term 'entitled'. I know Fidelis will disagree with me and agree 
> with you wrt (b). 

Who is Fidelis? 

> BTW: Suppose I 'semi-firmly' believe that EVERY Goan is 
> 'entitled' to 3 meals a day, and that YOU should pay for it.

The idea of government, is to re-distribute the wealth while growing the 
economy. When a person cannot feed his family, his extended family or society 
has to step in and help with food and shelter. The alternative, is to step on 
the person.  The US, the UK and Canada all have programs to provide food and 
shelter for those unable to provide for themselves. Canada has an exceptional 
assistance plan for seniors. These programs are paid for by the people who have 
an excess of food and shelter. 

When its constituents are housed and fed, a government can also help alleviate 
pain outside its jurisdiction. As an example, for every dollar a person in 
Canada donates today for disaster relief in the Philippines, the Govt of Canada 
donates a dollar too.

As for your suggestion that I pay for for the meals of every Goan, let me 
assure you that I would be delighted to do so. You know me, I will even throw 
in a few drinks. Every-time I do this with my fellow Goans, or even the least 
of my brothers, the lines on my happiness index charts go up exponentially.     


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