On 4/1/06, Laurent Pelecq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've changed Directories.conf to have 
> runtimeSettingsNVPicture="$goboPrograms/&NAME/&VERSION/Resources/Defaults/Settings"
> instead of
> runtimeSettingsNVPicture="$goboPrograms/&NAME/Settings"
> and now UpdateSettings works. It finds files in
> Resources/Defaults/Settings and copies them to /Programs/TPB/Settings.
> I don't know if the change in Directories.conf is the right one, but it
> seems that there is a problem with Compile anyway.

Hi Laurent,

Yes, this is not the right change to do. Looks like there is really a
problem with Compile. I noticed Lucas committed a change in CVS
related to this, but I didn't check it closely.

Looking at the scripts, looks like Settings should automatically go to
Defaults during the execution of SandboxInstall (which can be
considered a bug, because any changes made to Settings/ by, e.g.,
pre_install, are not being propagated to Defaults).

Could you post the recipe here (inline in the message body is okay;
don't know if -devel accepts attachments) so we can see what precisely
is going on in the package?

-- Hisham
gobolinux-devel mailing list

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