On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 9:41 AM, Anshuman Aggarwal <
anshuman.aggar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there a process available for gobolinux to be installed from
> scratch instead of using the Live CD? I have a server setup which
> wouldn't need much of what is installed by the LiveCD and would like
> to keep my server minimal.
> Couldn't find it documented anywhere... Can we write up the
> instructions (even if it is highly technical and required in depth
> knowledge ? It can it be much like gentoo's stage 3 tarball /linux
> from scratch.
> My two cents are that Gobo is more likely to attract power users who
> appreciate the concept of file system being the package manager and
> those of us would like more control that what the Desktop LiveCD
> allows.
> Yes I know I can install the Desktop CD and then go on a deletion
> spree but that just sounds wasteful :-) and also doesn't teach much
> about how Gobo is built up.
Greetings, Anshuman,

Given that all packages are found at /Programs, the easiest way, by far, is
to install the "Full" profile, remove the software you don't need from that
directory, and then run the following command to get rid of broken links:

    find /System/Settings/ /System/Index/ | RemoveBroken
You can also start with the "Base" profile and then copy the extra programs
that you need from the LiveCD's /Programs directory before rebooting the
machine. Afterwards, run 'SymlinkProgram <ProgramName>' for each program
you've copied. That will create the links to "activate" each software at
/System/Settings and /System/Index.

Another option, if you want to go more deep into how things are organized,
is to install the "Base" profile, reboot your machine and then mount the
LiveCD at /Mount/CD-ROM. You will find a bunch of squashfs files on that
directory. Each squashfs file contains a file system that can be
loop-mounted. Then, you copy the directories of interest to /Programs and
proceed with the SymlinkProgram procedure to link them.

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