Hi Lucas,
 Is the "Base" profile an option in the LiveCD? (sorry haven't gotten
a chance to boot it yet)...is it much like the Stage 3 tarball of
gentoo (are you aware of it?) ...I would like to ideally start from
that and then Compile my own. I have used source distributions before
(like gentoo) and the fact that Gobo is also one is a big plus.


On 4 December 2014 at 00:37, Lucas C. Villa Real <luca...@gobolinux.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 9:41 AM, Anshuman Aggarwal
> <anshuman.aggar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there a process available for gobolinux to be installed from
>> scratch instead of using the Live CD? I have a server setup which
>> wouldn't need much of what is installed by the LiveCD and would like
>> to keep my server minimal.
>> Couldn't find it documented anywhere... Can we write up the
>> instructions (even if it is highly technical and required in depth
>> knowledge ? It can it be much like gentoo's stage 3 tarball /linux
>> from scratch.
>> My two cents are that Gobo is more likely to attract power users who
>> appreciate the concept of file system being the package manager and
>> those of us would like more control that what the Desktop LiveCD
>> allows.
>> Yes I know I can install the Desktop CD and then go on a deletion
>> spree but that just sounds wasteful :-) and also doesn't teach much
>> about how Gobo is built up.
> Greetings, Anshuman,
> Given that all packages are found at /Programs, the easiest way, by far, is
> to install the "Full" profile, remove the software you don't need from that
> directory, and then run the following command to get rid of broken links:
>     find /System/Settings/ /System/Index/ | RemoveBroken
> You can also start with the "Base" profile and then copy the extra programs
> that you need from the LiveCD's /Programs directory before rebooting the
> machine. Afterwards, run 'SymlinkProgram <ProgramName>' for each program
> you've copied. That will create the links to "activate" each software at
> /System/Settings and /System/Index.
> Another option, if you want to go more deep into how things are organized,
> is to install the "Base" profile, reboot your machine and then mount the
> LiveCD at /Mount/CD-ROM. You will find a bunch of squashfs files on that
> directory. Each squashfs file contains a file system that can be
> loop-mounted. Then, you copy the directories of interest to /Programs and
> proceed with the SymlinkProgram procedure to link them.
> Cheers,
> Lucas
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