For example:

type Int int
func (i Int) Add(j Int) Int { return i + j }

type Number<T Number<T>> interface {
    Add(j T) T

If we want Int satisfy the interface Number<Int>, we have to create two 
versions of function Int.Add, one for concrete type Int, one with generic 
type T

And if we want to support:

var i Int
var v interface{} = i
var n Number<Int> = v.(Number<Int>)

We will have to create a stub for Int.Add in itable of Number, and 
dynamically adapt the parameter types at runtime.

On Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 12:24:12 AM UTC-7, wrote:
> >> While later I realized that we still need some parameter check in the 
> callee code to satisfy the interface matching (the generic version of each 
> function in my proposal).
> A am sorry but your judgements is not correct.
> Here is a proofs:
> 1. It is redundant to perform check of the correctness of the assignments 
> after when assignement already made.
> Eg.
> val i int
> i = 0
> // It is redundant to perform check the correctness of the assignments of 
> `i` after when assignement of `i` already made.
> 2. Fucntion is a callable piece of code which CAN have initial variables 
> (function parameters) which SHOULD be assigned (via function arguments) 
> before function invocation.
> Of course, these parameters can be explicit and implicit.
> Eg. receiver of the method is an implicit parameter but it still a 
> parameter (function variable which would be assigned before function 
> invocation implicitly by the compiler, or by the reflection construction).
> That is, this code is equilvalent.
> var i int
> i = 0
> // other code, `i` already assigned
> func foo(i int) {
>   // other code, `i` already assigned
> }
> 3. Also you should to know that in a generic type system (type sytem with 
> the generic types) each type is potentialy a generic type.
> Here is a proof.
> Each type in a generic type system looks like a function.
> Type can have a [0..~] number of parameters which are declared by the type 
> declaration and whose parameters can be assigned by the type arguments. If 
> arguments omitted then parameters assigned to default values (types).
> The same as the funtions.
> // Declare type with 2 parameters, K and V
> type Type<K, V> {}
> // Declare type with 2 bounded parameters, K and V
> type Type1<K string, V int> {}
> // Instantiate new type with a specified arguments (the same as the 
> function invocation)
> // For simplicity we can imagine the following auto generated code
> // if *__staticType1021 == nill {
> //   *__staticType1021 = __createGenericType(__getType(Type1), 
> __getType(string), __getType(bool))
> //  That is, call to __createGenericType(*t RType, args... *RType)
> // }
> // foo := __newobject(*__staticType1021)
> foo := Type1<string, bool>()
> Another story when we use generic type on the callee side.
> func (t *Type1) foo(key K) V {
>   // Here compiler always assume that the type of `t` is a generic type 
> `Type1` with a correctly assigned type arguments.
>   // Assigned arguments does not need to re-check 
>   // ___type0 := __getTypeOf(t)
>   // Here is enough (since type are generic) rely only on that the each 
> type argument bound to the type parameter
>   ...
> }

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