On Wednesday, 29 June 2016 01:51:58 UTC+3, Mandolyte wrote:
> Earlier someone asked about real world examples. The obvious standard 
> library was mentioned. It only took me a few seconds to remember Jan 
> Mercl's interval package. A quick look suggests that the current 1200+ 
> lines of code would be reduced to about 250.

I'm not sure what application would require that full extent of the 
interval package. Currently the only thing I see importing it was 
https://godoc.org/github.com/cznic/wm, but it only used only one func from 
it... so the whole package could be replaced with ~10 lines.

So the problem is that I don't know a real-world use-case for that package 
-- hence I cannot judge it's API design and quality. Sure the interval 
package might be necessary, but is there a simpler design? Is the 
genericness of that package even warranted?  How would it affect user code 
by making it generic. Are there alternate designs? Should it implement a 
tree instead?

If this sort of code is written very often, the "prove it to me" argument 
> against generics will be less effective.
> So, how about some more examples?

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