just for fun 
In France we have WINDEV where you can write code either in English or 
French ;-)  but no German :-(
unfortunately not free product 

giving something like    
// Le document sera enregistré en noir et blanc
SI TwainVersJPEG("C:\Temp\MaPhoto.JPEG", 0, Faux, TwainNoirBlanc) = Vrai 
Info("Le document a été enregistré")
Erreur("Le document n'a pas été scanné")
source here <https://www.pcsoft.fr/wlangage.htm>

Le lundi 29 avril 2019 07:36:37 UTC+2, Chris Burkert a écrit :
> I recently read an article (German) about the dominance of English in 
> programming languages [1]. It is about the fact that keywords in a language 
> typically are English words. Thus it would be hard for non English speakers 
> to learn programming - argue the authors.
> I wonder if there is really demand for that but of course it is weird to 
> ask that on an English list.
> I also wonder if it would be possible on a tooling level to support 
> keywords in other languages e.g. via build tags: // +language german
> Besides keywords we have a lot of names for functions, methods, structs, 
> interfaces and so on. So there is definitely more to it.
> While such a feature may be beneficial for new programmers, to me it comes 
> with many downsides like: readability, ambiguous naming / clashes, global 
> teams ...
> I also believe the authors totally miss the point that learning Go is 
> about to learn a language as it is because it is the language of the 
> compiler.
> However I find the topic interesting and want to hear about your opinions.
> thanks - Chris
> 1: 
> https://www.derstandard.de/story/2000101285309/programmieren-ist-fuer-jeden-aber-nur-wenn-man-englisch-spricht

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