On Mon, 29 Apr 2019 05:07:58 -0700 (PDT)
Volker Dobler <dr.volker.dob...@gmail.com> wrote:

> But if you try to teach 9 or 10 year old kids to program you cannot
> do this in the language alone, you need at least to import fmt.
> And while the handful of keywords are not a problem at all the
> packages used to do interesting things (for a 9 year old) are
> in English only.

Sed or gofix can cope with that and it is a duty of the teacher to
make a basic packages translation. The more important though
are manuals suitable for self-teaching. 

The [Python for Kids](https://jasonrbriggs.com/python-for-kids/) 
book has been translated to nine languages. (I hope Jason Briggs
will love Go too, and soon come with a new book for kids ;).

> Of course I would never advocate to program in Bavarian, or
> cuneiform, but if you are starting to learn a real programming
> language than there _is_ a language barrier. And this barrier
> is in addition to typing on a keyboard and the math and the
> logic and everything else.

Or it can be a strong impulse to learn English -- like 
music lyrics is to the less techie kids.

> Because of this real problem I thought about some package basic
> which could be an atypical collection of useful functions for
> educational purpose: Very simple input and output functions,
> graphic functions (like points, lines, ellipses, rectangles),
> a bit of sound (like 12 different tones and two beeps) with exported
> identifiers and the godoc in the child's first language so that a very
> young student can explore what is possible in a more appealing
> way than just println-based output.

Good idea. Ready to be picked up by some Khan Academy contractor.

> V.

Wojciech S. Czarnecki
 << ^oo^ >> OHIR-RIPE

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