Hello fellow gopherships... ¿How you doing? 

Hope just fine!

A week ago I proposed to allow conversion from bool to int, assuming false 
to 0 and true to be 1. This was the proposal 
<https://github.com/golang/go/issues/63544> and I do appreciate a lot the 
polite responses from Ian.

I pick my pike and dig into... the discussion... trying to understand what 
was the force or the motivation that refuses the proposal. 

I Found two interesting comments:

   - Adg stament 
   - Commander statement 

And what i perceive is that the cons is: *It may harm readability.*

Well... If that is the case... (because, that is what I understood, and 
forget me if I'm wrong!) I have some points to put into the table if you 
allow... please, do not take it hard... I'm trying to make *an statement*. 

1) One line Swapping

a, b := 1, 2 // I never use this.. I always forget if the 1 go to the a and 
the 2 go to b or vice-versa.. (Like now!) 

I do like to write three lines instead of one...

2) Block scope, not per iteration scope 

Well...  actual web apps require to write in JavaScript, JavaScript uses  
block scopes..  so I appreciate a LOT this feature of the language, but as 
long this language has to live with other languages (like JavaScript) I 
don't feel that this will release me from the burden of knowing how to deal 
with block scopes variables used in a closure. JavaScript is not an example 
of well designed language but is the language widely used in web apps.

3) Generics... 

Well... With interfaces I already got the genericity I need to model 
abstractions.. But I do appreciate generics, because they do allow us to 
write less code at the cost complicating the language grammar. I start to 
use them... but before that I have no problem on converting an slice of 
interfaces using a for loop.

4) I "grow" writing these lines on any C program  *I'm not too old (to 
reason), but also not too young  (to dream). I have 40*

#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0

*That definitively has shaped my mind.*

*So the statement is*:

The points 1,2 and 3 I show... are examples of questionable (at least, for 
me) things that you directly inject into the language. The point 4 I show 
how I feel that a bool is, in turn, an int.

The proposal of making bool to int, could co exists. And people can choose 
to use it or not. You may give it a try... for me (and other folks) well 
come in handy in situations like this 
count the number of Spanish's cards that belongs to the GOLD suit).

If you say me: "Ey victor, we just won't put it because we don't like it" 
<- I will buy it. 


You may convince me... I leave that to you. I will try to stay open (I do 
recognize myself as person that can be a little stubborn.)

Final words

Is not my language and you have done a wonderful job... I mean.. from the 
old days in C, passing thought the cosmos of C++, then OOP disembark with 
Java and C#... and then Golang mixing a lot of learned lessons into a 
single language!

Actual final words:

Informal Greetings!  🤠🧉

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