On Sep 15, 2:46 am, WilliamF <william_ferguson...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> As leszek says I think you have a few things confused:
> DataNucleus is a JDO/JPA implementation that can run within AppEngine.
> AppEngine provides 2 persistence mechanisms, BigTable and VFS (Virtual
> File System). You cannot configure your GoogleApp to use an external
> RDBMS, nor can you host an RDBMS within your GoogleApp. Also note that
> with each DB record, BigTable effectively stores not only the data but
> also the metadata for the table. Ie all the column names are stored
> alongside the column data, for each record. So a Gigabyte of data will
> commonly consume 10GB of space within BigTable.
> Using GWT on your client is orthogonal, to the persistence on the
> server.
> However, if you have a clean JPA (non-Hibernate specific)
> implementation you might have a way continue to use JPA within your
> GoogleApp by using a H2 RDBMS implementation running on top of VFS.
> Seehttp://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine-java/browse_thread/th...
> and
>    http://groups.google.com/group/gaevfs/browse_thread/thread/c23b8af579...
> On a side note, Andy (aka Datanucleus) you need to chill dude.
> Users are reporting problems with Datanucleus because they are feeling
> pain.
> Barking at them is not the way to win support and market share for
> Datanucleus, quite the opposite.
> William

Yes, I certain was (maybe still am) confused but thanks for helping
reset my expectations.  At this point appengine is looking like a tool
for experimenting a rapidly building prototypes.   Perhaps plugging in
existing databases through standard interfaces such as JDO or JPA will
come later.

BTW, I never perceived Andy's responses as "barking" although I know I
was doing a little barking myself.   I appreciate the help both of you
have provided.   I thought I was struggling through inadequate
documentation but apparently I was looking for something that doesn't
exist (at least not yet).

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