@WilliamF, I don't see how any of my responses in this thread can be
construed even remotely as "barking" at somebody. In fact providing
references to docs would likely be the opposite, as the user indeed
recognised in his post. In fact you can review all of my responses to
people over the last 5 months and judge that for yourself; some
replies where more time was available to give a full response and
others less. Obviously, in a written form, someone somewhere will
always want to construe a response in some other way maybe due to the
problems they themselves are having with some software and the
subsequent frustration and want someone to blame.

For the record, people in general are reporting problems with the
Google-provided datanucleus plugin, not DataNucleus itself. There are
actually no outstanding JIRAs for DataNucleus relating to AppEngine
usage. I chip in here occasionally with help in my spare time, since
DataNucleus is an open source project, to which anyone could volunteer
their time. If that is inadequate for you then that is indeed
unfortunate. Good luck with your application.
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