Hey folks.
I know that I'm not the first one who is facing this problem.
There is a similar thread, but I don't think it's exactly the same

I'm working on a project including GAE + GWT.
We are using gwt-gae-channel (http://code.google.com/p/gwt-gae-
channel/) to send different messages from the server to the client
(basically we are implementing a real life game for mobile devices.)

I have read and understood the Channel API documentation and we are
implementing the channel creation in the same way as proposed.
Also gwt-gae-channel has been introduced on the client side like
described in gwt-gae-channel wiki.

The interesting part: In production mode (app is deployed to GAE)
everything works just fine (Users are able to chat, server sends
notifications, etc.)
However the channel doesn't work locally.
We use Maven and start our App locally with the maven command

Here is the first exception which occurs after creating the channel on
the server side:
[ERROR] 2011-05-28 11:00:48.523:WARN::/_ah/channel/dev
Channel for application key null not found.
[ERROR]         at

However on server side the channel seems to be created.
When sending messages to a client there is no warning or exception.
The exception above occurs after creating the channel by some other
thread (I think it's the long-polling thread which works in the
So this exception is not thrown by any of our code lines, but by some
other thread of the local test environment.

Here is what we do on server side when creating the channel (just the
important lines):
String clientId = getChannelIdFromUserKey(userKey); //userKey = the
datastore key which is then hashed to get a short client id used to
create the channel
String channelToken = channelService.createChannel(clientId); //the
token is then passed to the client
return channelToken;

The client receives this token (a gwt-dispatch command triggers the
channel creation and returns the token):
ChannelFactory.createChannel(channelToken, new
  public void onChannelCreated(Channel channel)

Which leads to:
[INFO] Socket error.
[INFO] Channel for application key null not found.

I really hope somebody out there can help me/us.
It is really, really important that we fix this bug soon, as we have
just few weeks left to finish the project (well, it's an university
thing ;) )

Kind regards,

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