Hi there,

I am faced with exactly the same problem!
Help is appreciated.

regards, MG

On 28 Mai, 13:17, Zerot Samsa <zerotsa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey folks.
> I know that I'm not the first one who is facing this problem.
> There is a similar thread, but I don't think it's exactly the same
> problem.
> I'm working on a project including GAE + GWT.
> We are using gwt-gae-channel (http://code.google.com/p/gwt-gae-
> channel/) to send different messages from the server to the client
> (basically we are implementing a real life game for mobile devices.)
> I have read and understood the Channel API documentation and we are
> implementing the channel creation in the same way as proposed.
> Also gwt-gae-channel has been introduced on the client side like
> described in gwt-gae-channel wiki.
> The interesting part: In production mode (app is deployed to GAE)
> everything works just fine (Users are able to chat, server sends
> notifications, etc.)
> However the channel doesn't work locally.
> We use Maven and start our App locally with the maven command
> "gwt:run"
> Here is the first exception which occurs after creating the channel on
> the server side:
> [ERROR] 2011-05-28 11:00:48.523:WARN::/_ah/channel/dev
> com.google.appengine.api.channel.dev.LocalChannelFailureException:
> Channel for application key null not found.
> [ERROR]         at
> com.google.appengine.api.channel.dev.ChannelManager.getChannel(ChannelManag 
> er.java:
> 58)
> However on server side the channel seems to be created.
> When sending messages to a client there is no warning or exception.
> The exception above occurs after creating the channel by some other
> thread (I think it's the long-polling thread which works in the
> background!?!?!?)
> So this exception is not thrown by any of our code lines, but by some
> other thread of the local test environment.
> Here is what we do on server side when creating the channel (just the
> important lines):
> String clientId = getChannelIdFromUserKey(userKey); //userKey = the
> datastore key which is then hashed to get a short client id used to
> create the channel
> String channelToken = channelService.createChannel(clientId); //the
> token is then passed to the client
> return channelToken;
> The client receives this token (a gwt-dispatch command triggers the
> channel creation and returns the token):
> ChannelFactory.createChannel(channelToken, new
> ChannelCreatedCallback()
> {
>   @Override
>   public void onChannelCreated(Channel channel)
>   {
>     .....
>   }
> }
> Which leads to:
> [INFO] Socket error.
> [INFO] Channel for application key null not found.
> I really hope somebody out there can help me/us.
> It is really, really important that we fix this bug soon, as we have
> just few weeks left to finish the project (well, it's an university
> thing ;) )
> Kind regards,
> Z

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