hi all

andrew - that is quick but I don't see it as quick as GAE spawning a
new request handler (~1 second) on a machine somewhere in their
cluster. I guess it's just a different model, autoscaling at the
request level vs. the machine level.

EBS - I recognize that NFS (or something similar) would work but I
could not find anyone using it when they needed to place database
files on EBS (for performance reasons). please let me know if you find
anything that works. that being said, how would I host a large DB on
EC2 where I would likely need more then a single instance to handle
spikes in traffic? from people i've talked to, you can run the DB
locally on the instance but it's gone when it dies and the bigger the
DB, the longer the startup which affected how they auto-scaled

security - greg's comments above should not be overlooked, the
flexibility of EC2 comes with the headaches as well

thanks for all the input, I'm still not sure which is the best
platform but its always good to hear everyone thoughts

also, I did look at SimpleDB and it does seem very robust (and based
on this post [1], quite performant as well). One thing that was
missing that I currently need is Text/Blob attributes. You could use
SDB for the simple attribute queries and S3 for the Text/Blob storage
but then you obviously need the second query. Something to keep an eye
on though, thanks


[1] -http://www.daemonology.net/blog/2008-06-29-high-performance-

On Nov 6, 4:42 am, Greg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 5, 9:25 am, sal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Nov 4, 3:08 pm, yejun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On EC2 you can make your own image, but that's not the point. I
> > > believe no one in their right mind would use a public image for their
> > > production system, it is just not safe by any means.
> > You have to trust the Google admins with your data and code also. At
> > least with EC2 you have direct access and create an encrypted
> > filesystem / etc.  That even the admins wouldn't be able to 'poke
> > around' into.  So I don't buy the security argument...
> Having admined a commercial linux cluster, I DO buy the security
> argument. Even with my experience, I wouldn't flatter myself that I
> was anywhere near the expertise of Google's admins.
> Just taking one aspect, you should have iptables set up to firewall
> your traffic. Do you know how to drop any SSH connections from the
> same ip address that makes more than three attempts in a minute? If
> not, it'll take you a couple of hours to get your head around that,
> and build it into your EC2 image.
> Multiply that by a couple of hundred times - database admin, database
> replication, mail server admin, web server admin, managing DOS attacks
> with routing tables... or you can have Google do the whole lot for you
> - for next to nothing. I'm buying it.
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